10 Tips For Better Glucose Stability

In a world where we can measure nearly anything, we chose glucose.

Better glucose stability is the unlock to becoming a better version of you.

That's why we created the Blue Zone. Also known as your Glucose Recovery Zone (or GRZ for short), this coaches you how to make real-time decisions and lasting positive behavior change for better glucose stability.

There are many things you can do to improve your overall glucose control – preventing steep glucose rushes and keeping your glucose levels stable within your GRZ.

There's a strong relationship between glucose control and our overall health, mood, energy, and hunger. To be more specific, increasing glucose control supports metabolic efficiency, reducing inflammation, and promoting optimal recovery. The focus of this article is coaching you how to turn glucose rushes (steep spikes) into glucose rises (steady, more controlled glucose levels) and achieve better glucose control.

Here are our top ten tips to improve your glucose stability:

1. Order Your Macronutrients

Eating fiber, fat, and protein before carbohydrates limits your glucose rushes. Try changing the order of your meat, vegetables and starches and see the difference. It’s pretty noticeable!

2. Change Your Proportions

This goes hand in hand with strategy number one. Adding fat, fiber, and protein to what is otherwise a high carbohydrate meal will help reduce a glucose rush and provide more stable energy. We're not saying to cut carbs – just consider a balanced plate at each meal.

3. Post-Meal Walk

Walking, or any exercise for that matter, within ten minutes or so after you eat is a great way to reduce your glucose rushes. This is due to the way exercise promotes absorption of glucose into your muscles without triggering other internal metabolic responses that can lead to less stability in your glucose levels.

4. Add Vinegar

Vinegar, mixed into a salad dressing or even taken as a shot by itself, helps to blunt glucose rushes. If you're planning a high carb meal and don’t want the metabolic perturbation, take a shot of apple cider vinegar right before you eat, or try eating a salad with a vinaigrette first.

5. Add Moringa

The use of moringa is quite common in the health and wellness industry for many reasons. One of its lesser known benefits is that it helps blunt glucose rushes.

6. Keep Stable Glucose Levels Early in the Day

Glucose stability at breakfast seems to have a significant impact on glucose stability for the rest of the day. Try to have a stable start to the day (from a glucose perspective) to set you up for better glucose control throughout the rest of the day.

7. Use Resistant Starch

Resistant starch makes its way to gut bacteria in the colon to provide them a prebiotic. This is great, but in doing this, the starch also becomes ‘resistant’ to digestion and absorption. So, less glucose rushes! Starches (think bread, rice, pasta, potato) change their molecular structure to increase the amount of resistant starch when they are cooked and then cooled. So, cooking, cooling, and then eating (you can eat cold or even reheat them) can improve your glucose control.

8. Avoid the “Second Meal” Effect

Skipping breakfast or heavily restricting your carbohydrates at breakfast can increase the glycemic response (glucose rush) for a meal at lunch. If you’re a breakfast person, be sure to include at least some carbohydrates in that meal such as fruit or honey. As mentioned before, if you are under a specific nutritional intervention in preparation for your next training phase or race, make sure to balance such changes with your overall plan and caloric distribution.

9. Get Better Sleep

Poor sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances heavily impact your insulin sensitivity and glucose control, not to mention your appetite and cravings. So ensure you are getting good sleep. After all, better sleep and better glucose control are the keys to better recovery.

10. Get Active

Increasing activity or breaking up periods of inactivity with some movement are great ways to maintain glucose stability. In much the same way as post-meal walking helps, frequent movement helps keep your glucose stable throughout the day. Try getting up and moving around at least once an hour. Notice how your Glucose Stability improves over time, and note how it makes you feel like you have more energy throughout the day!

So there you go: 10 easy ways to help you increase your glucose control and stay in the blue Glucose Recovery Zone. Keep in mind that everyone will differ in the way their glucose responds to different approaches. Be sure to experiment with them, enjoy them, and let us know which ones work best for you!


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